Kan spille næsten alle nyere spil i high med min 60 fps:
Roblox All All
GTA5: 1080p - high - 95 fps
PUBG: 1080p - high - 90 fps
Fortnite: 1080p - high - 70 fps
Counter Strike: 1080p - high - 250 fps
League of Legends: 1080p - high - 300 fps
Overwatch: 1080p - high - 105 fps
World of Tanks: 1080p - ultra - 90 fps
Minecraft: 1080p - high - 600 fps
Apex Legends: 1080p - high - 120 fps
Battlefield 5: 1080p - high - 130 fps
Bedste all-round
Source: https://www.gpucheck.com/
Pris kan reduceres med dkk 800,- hvis Windows 10 ikke ønskes
- Windows 10
- GTX 1650 Super 4GB GDDR6
- 240 GB NVMe Disk
- Ryzen 3 - 3100 (4/8 cores - 3.6GHz)
- 2x8GB 3200 RAM